Progressive Printers
0115 962 6262
Printing, It's what we do
There aren't many print firms that can boast an in-house commercial photographer and a large 1,500 sq. ft., fully equipped studio. In fact, in that respect, we think we are unique.
There have been photographers at Progressive Printers since 1985, back in the days of developer, negatives and transparencies. Nowadays digital technology means images can be captured quickly, eliminating expensive scanning - but we haven't forgotten how to use film.
It is always difficult choosing examples from our portfolio to display. Our best work, certainly. Work we are proud of and some technically clever shots, of course. But don't get the impression that this is the only kind of work we do.
We get asked for all sorts of photographs. Still life, portraits, landscapes; public relations shots, corporate events, product photography; digital retouching, creative effects - all in a days work for us.
Click here to view a selection of images from some of our recent projects.